PTE Summarize Written Text
PTE Summarize Written Text
Pearsons PTE

PTE Summarize Written Text: Tips & Tricks To Score High

The PTE Exam is becoming the most demanding Language proficiency test among students. Its wider acceptance across global universities is making it a prominent choice. But to clear the exam with flying colors, you must prepare well. Though the exam format is not that tough, some of the question types might need extra attention. And PTE Summarize Written Text is one of them.

The PTE Summarize Written Text (SWT) task can seem challenging, but mastering it is essential for anyone looking to boost overall PTE score. In this section, you are given a passage of up to 300 words and are required to summarize it in a single sentence, between 5 and 75 words, within 10 minutes.

Format of “PTE Summarize Written Text” Question type:

What you need to do:

  • Write a summary: You need to take the main points from a reading passage and put them into one sentence.
  • Keep it short: This sentence should be no more than 75 words long.
  • Time limit: You have 10 minutes to write your summary.

Helpful tools:

  • Word count: There’s a tool at the bottom of the screen that tells you how many words you’ve written.
  • Cut, copy, and paste: You can use these buttons to move words around in your summary.


  • Focus on the main points: Try to include the most important information from the reading passage.
  • Be clear and concise: Use simple language and avoid unnecessary words.
  • Stay within the word limit: Make sure your summary is no longer than 75 words.

Guideline To Score Full in PTE Summarize Written Text

1. Understand the Passage:

Spend time understanding the passage; don’t start immediately writing. Look for the main idea and identify key points, such as supporting arguments or examples. Focus on:

  • The first and last sentences: They often contain the core idea.
  • Repetition: Key ideas are often repeated throughout the passage. Use connectors like and, but, while, and because to link different ideas.

2. Use Simple Sentence Structures:

As grammar is a scoring factor, you must write a simple sentence with no errors.

Frame structure like:

Sentence Structure



Note: Do not write sentences that are too long, as it can lead to grammatical errors.


3. Focus On Grammar & Vocabulary:

Grammar plays a crucial role in this task. Incorrect punctuation, subject-verb agreement errors, or awkward phrasing can lower your score. Use correct punctuation, and make sure the sentence is grammatically flawless.

4. Keep It To The Point:

Do not copy the entire chunk of the text; instead, paraphrase the content and include the important details. Your response will be evaluated on your ability to summarize well, which will showcase a strong command of English and comprehension of the material.

Note: Use synonyms and shorter forms of words to replace long phrases in the original passage.

5. Practice Active Reading:

Developing active reading skills will help you spot the most important information quickly. As you read, think in a pattern.

Note: Break down the passage by who, what, when, where, why, and how. These questions will guide you in identifying the most critical points in the text.

PTE Summarize Written Text Sample with answer

6. Use Keywords for Context:

Ensure your sentence includes the keywords from the passage that encapsulates the main theme. These keywords often help identify the central focus of the text.

Tip: Use punctuation like commas and semi-colons wisely to manage long sentences.

7. Proofread Before Submitting:

Before submitting your response, always proofread for errors, such as:

  • Grammar or spelling mistakes
  • Missing or misplaced punctuation
  • Sentence structure issues: This final check can save you from small errors that might cost you valuable points.

8. Practice On PTE Mock Test:

The more you practice summarizing texts, the better you will get at identifying key ideas and crafting well-structured sentences. You can take a section-wise practice test on Gurully and ace this question type.

PTE Summarize Written Text Sample with answer

Understand How Scoring Of PTE Summarize Written Text Is Done

The Scoring is done on 4 factors: Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary.


Content is scored by determining all four key points of the passage addressed in the answer without misinterpreting the core meaning. If your summary does not tell what is written in the paragraph, you will not receive any score for any of the four factors. You will get a Zero. But if your summary clearly explains the zest of the paragraph, then you will get a score for this part.


In this, the Scoring is done on the basis of “if your response is meeting the requirements of a one-sentence summary.” Your summary should be under 5-75 words. If the word limit is not match these word counts, then you will not receive any score on any of the four factors (Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary)


Grammar is the third factor in which Scoring is done. The requirement for this factor is that your grammar is correct. The response will be scored based on the structure of the sentence and whether it is grammatically correct or not. You will get scoring according to the correctness of your sentence.


In the vocabulary factor, your response is scored based on – the usage of the correct and appropriate words. Scoring will be done on the proper usage of synonyms and the appropriateness of words according to the passage’s context.  

Things To Keep In Mind:

  • Response is scored either correct or incorrect based on the above 4 factors. No credit will be given for no response or an incorrect response.
  • Your listening and speaking skills will not be tested in PTE Summarize Written Text.

You can practice more of this question type on Gurully’s online practice platform. We provide full-length mock tests and section-wise tests, which will help you strengthen your practice. You can also use our  free online PTE practice app. Gurully’s mock tests provide AI scoring so that you will get instant results, and even for the last-day preparation, you can choose our day-wise packages.


Mastering the PTE Summarize Written Text task requires a combination of careful reading, concise writing, and strong grammatical skills. By understanding the passage, identifying key points, using simple sentence structures, and practicing regularly, you can effectively summarize the text within the given word limit and improve your overall PTE score. Remember to proofread your work and take advantage of practice tests to enhance your performance.

PTE Mock Test


Vidhi Paliwal

Vidhi Paliwal is a passionate content writer with a knack for weaving words into compelling stories that captivate and engage. With a love for creativity and a keen eye for detail, Vidhi brings ideas to life through her writing. When she's not crafting content, you'll find her lost in a good book, watching movies, or exploring the culinary world.