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Pearson PTE

List of Essential Vocabulary For PTE Exam To Score High in 2025

Vocabulary For PTE
Vocabulary For PTE

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) is a globally recognized English proficiency exam that evaluates speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills. So a strong vocabulary for PTE is essential for success as it enhances comprehension, fluency, and coherence across all sections. To help you excel in the exam, here is a list of must-know vocabulary for PTE that you should learn.

This comprehensive guide of vocabulary will cover essential words, strategies for improving vocabulary, and practical tips to maximize your performance on the test.

Why is Enhancing Vocabulary For PTE Exam Necessary?

Vocabulary is fundamental to the PTE exam because:

  • Reading Comprehension: A good vocabulary helps in understanding complex passages quickly.
  • Listening Skills: Recognizing spoken words and phrases ensures better comprehension.
  • Speaking Fluency: Using appropriate words enhances pronunciation and sentence construction.
  • Writing Clarity: A strong vocabulary lets you express ideas clearly and concisely.

If you struggle with vocabulary, you may find it challenging to comprehend questions, respond effectively, or construct well-formed answers. Therefore, expanding your vocabulary should be a key focus in your PTE preparation.

Vocabulary for the PTE Exam

Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Abundant Existing in large quantities Plentiful, Ample, Bountiful Scarce, Insufficient
Ambiguous Having multiple meanings Unclear, Vague, Obscure Clear, Definite
Articulate Expressing thoughts clearly Eloquent, Fluent, Expressive Inarticulate, Mumbled
Alleviate Reduce or relieve pain Ease, Mitigate, Lessen Aggravate, Intensify
Benevolent Kind and generous Charitable, Compassionate Malevolent, Cruel
Coherent Logical and well-organized Consistent, Rational Confused, Illogical
Concise Brief and to the point Succinct, Short, Compact Lengthy, Wordy
Controversial Causing disagreement Disputed, Debatable Agreeable, Uncontroversial
Credible Believable and trustworthy Reliable, Valid, Trustworthy Unbelievable, Untrustworthy
Diligent Hardworking and careful Industrious, Dedicated Lazy, Negligent
Discrepancy Difference or inconsistency Variation, Deviation Similarity, Agreement
Elusive Difficult to find or catch Evasive, Slippery Obvious, Clear
Emphasize Give special importance Highlight, Stress, Accentuate Downplay, Minimize
Exaggerate Represent as greater than real Overstate, Embellish Understate, Minimize
Feasible Possible and practical Achievable, Viable Impossible, Unworkable
Fluctuate Change continuously Vary, Shift, Oscillate Stabilize, Remain steady
Impartial Fair and unbiased Neutral, Objective, Just Biased, Prejudiced
Impeccable Flawless or perfect Spotless, Unblemished Imperfect, Faulty
Infer Deduce or conclude Assume, Derive, Conjecture Misinterpret, Misunderstand
Intricate Complicated and detailed Complex, Elaborate Simple, Straightforward
Meticulous Paying great attention to detail Careful, Precise, Thorough Careless, Negligent
Noteworthy Worthy of attention Remarkable, Significant Insignificant, Unimportant
Obsolete No longer in use Outdated, Antiquated Modern, Contemporary
Pragmatic Practical and realistic Sensible, Logical Impractical, Unrealistic
Predominant Most important or noticeable Main, Dominant, Principal Minor, Secondary
Resilient Able to recover quickly Tough, Adaptable Weak, Fragile
Scrutinize Examine closely Inspect, Analyze, Examine Ignore, Overlook
Superficial On the surface, not deep Shallow, External Deep, Profound
Viable Capable of working successfully Feasible, Workable Unfeasible, Impossible


Pronunciation Guide Of Some Commonly Used Words In PTE 

Vocabulary For PTE

Categories of Connecting Words for PTE

Category Connecting Words Usage
Adding Information Furthermore, Moreover, Additionally, Also, In addition To add extra points
Giving Examples For example, For instance, Such as, Namely, To illustrate To introduce examples
Contrasting Ideas However, On the other hand, Whereas, While, Conversely To show contrast between ideas
Showing Similarity Similarly, Likewise, In the same way, Correspondingly To highlight similarities
Cause and Effect Therefore, Thus, Consequently, As a result, Hence To show reasons and results
Expressing Condition If, Unless, Provided that, As long as, In case To set conditions
Clarifying In other words, That is to say, To clarify, Simply put To explain in a different way
Emphasizing Indeed, Above all, Most importantly, Without a doubt To stress an important point
Summarizing In conclusion, To summarize, To sum up, Overall To conclude an argument
Sequencing Ideas First, Next, Then, After that, Finally To indicate order or sequence
Giving Reasons Because, Since, As, Due to, Owing to To explain why something happens
Contradicting Statements Yet, Nevertheless, Nonetheless, Even though To show unexpected results
Expressing Purpose In order to, So that, For the purpose of, With the aim of To indicate a goal
Comparing Ideas Compared to, In comparison, Similarly, Just as To show similarities between things
Highlighting Key Points Notably, Significantly, Above all, Importantly To emphasize key information
Illustrating a Point To demonstrate, To show, To clarify, Such as To give more details about an idea
Presenting an Alternative Instead, Alternatively, Rather, Else To introduce another possibility
Expressing Probability Probably, Possibly, Likely, Maybe, Perhaps To indicate uncertainty or possibility
Expressing Certainty Clearly, Certainly, Undoubtedly, Without a doubt To show confidence in a statement
Referring to a Previous Point As mentioned earlier, As stated before, As previously discussed To recall something mentioned before


📝 How to Improve Your Vocabulary for PTE

📚 Read Regularly:
Reading newspapers, academic journals, and books helps you encounter new words in context. Some useful sources include:
🔹 The Guardian
🔹 The New York Times
🔹 BBC News
🔹 National Geographic
🔹 Scientific American

🎴 Use Flashcards:
Flashcards are an effective tool for memorizing new words. Apps like Anki and Quizlet can help strengthen vocabulary. You can also check the Vocabulary guide on Gurully’s mobile application for free.

🔠 Practice Word Formation:

Understanding how words change in different contexts improves comprehension. For example:

Vocabulary For PTE










🔗 Learn Collocations
Collocations are words that naturally go together in English. Using them correctly can enhance your fluency.

Make a decision (❌ NOT do a decision)
Take a risk (❌ NOT make a risk)
Strong coffee (❌ NOT powerful coffee)
Heavy rain (❌ NOT strong rain)

🎧 Listen to English Content
Watching English news, TED Talks, or podcasts can expose you to academic and conversational vocabulary.

🔹 The Daily (by The New York Times)
🔹 BBC Learning English
🔹 The Tony Robbins Podcast

📝 Practice Writing & Speaking
Writing essays and recording your speech can help reinforce new words. You can practice for free on Gurully’s website and mobile application.

📖 Use a Thesaurus
A thesaurus helps you find synonyms and expand your vocabulary. However, always ensure that the synonyms fit the context correctly.

 Vocabulary Tips for Each PTE Section

📖 Reading Section
🔹 Focus on academic words to understand complex passages.
🔹 Look for context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words.
🔹 Recognize word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to guess meanings.

🎧 Listening Section
🔹 Listen for paraphrased words (e.g., “beneficial” instead of “useful”).
🔹 Take quick notes using abbreviations to capture key points.
🔹 Identify word stress and intonation to understand meaning.

🗣️ Speaking Section
🔹 Use varied vocabulary to sound more fluent and natural.
🔹 Avoid repetition—use synonyms where possible.
🔹 Incorporate linking words for better sentence flow.

✍️ Writing Section
🔹 Use formal vocabulary and avoid slang.
🔹 Incorporate collocations and precise words to make writing more academic.
🔹 Proofread for word choice mistakes before submitting.

Apart from learning vocabulary for PTE, practicing with Gurully’s mock tests is essential to boost your overall scores. Gurully’s PTE practice platform offers full-length mock tests that closely simulate the actual exam. You can also focus on section-wise tests or prepare question by question. With instant and accurate AI scoring, you can effectively evaluate your performance. Stay updated with regular tips by joining our Telegram group and subscribing to our YouTube channel.


A strong vocabulary for PTE is key to excelling in reading, listening, speaking, and writing. You can improve fluency and comprehension by learning essential words, practicing with flashcards, and engaging with English content. Boost your preparation with Gurully’s AI-powered PTE mock tests for real-time scoring and targeted practice. Start your PTE prep today on Gurully!

🎯 Boost Your PTE Score with These Free Practice Tests:

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