PTE Summarise Spoken Text Practice
Develop summarization and listening skills with Summarize Spoken Text Practice & get prepared for real-time exams.
Develop summarization and listening skills with Summarize Spoken Text Practice & get prepared for real-time exams.
You will hear a short lecture.Write a summary on what you have just heard from the lecture in your own words.You have 8 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the Quality of Your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the lecture.
Word Count: 0
Now the study of biology is responsible for some of the most profound insights that humans have about the world around them so take a look at these 4 panorama is in the upper left you see some bacteria this happens to be equal line you obviously see a butterfly a flower a dolphin if you see that the outer space just looks like these different forms and structures. You have no idea that they are all related to one another. So one of the most profound things that biology told us is that all life on earth is exceptionally related similar to one another. So for example all of these life forms rely on DNA and RNA for storing and transmitting in using their genetic inherited information they are all based on sell is the fundamental building blocks of all life all of these organisms consist of cells and the cells essentially have the same chemicals inside of them carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen a whole bunch of other stuff and much smaller amount all of these organisms conducted the metabolism, in other words, chemical reactions using convert energy from one form to another and the basic chemistry is very similar to one another the type of molecule that he's used very similar to one and another.
Within most developed countries, notions of pragmatism, notions of the fact that we have democracies, have succeeded in tempering the market economy. In the 19th century, 18th century, the Industrial Revolution had a very negative effect on people, particularly working classes all over the world. We see data where life expectancy was reduced, heights were reduced. We were looking at the medical record. We can see that actually, living standards, much among large fractions of population, actually went down. But eventually, we pass the legislation about working conditions. And eventually, we circumscribe some of the worst kinds of behavior. We eventually, in the 20th century, we put regulations that composed better environmental conditions. And so some of the damage was reversed, and that we have made the market economy work in ways that the benefits of the all is far more what we shared in the world a hundred years ago.
You’ve got sound receptors in your ear, and they are beautiful. We’re not going to talk about them at any length, but there's little flappy, these little spiky things going along in your ear and they can translate vibrational energy coming from your ear, hurting your eardrum, being translated into a vibration into the fluid in your ear into a physical motion of these little receptors there into an electrical motion, into an electrical signal that goes into your ear. So, all of that, all of that's pretty impressive stuff. We are not going to talk about the details of it, but I invite some of you who want to learn more about this, particularly MIT students I think to find receptors really quite remarkable kinds of devices.
The history of software is of course very very new on the whole IT industry is really only 67 years old which is extraordinary and to be so close to the to the birth of a major new technology a major new discipline is quite remarkable given where we've got to in the 67 years. And I'm the progression has been. Not so much a progression as a stampede because more slowly the rapid expansion in the power of computing and the rapid form of the cost of computing and storage and communications has made it feasible for information technology to move into all sorts of areas of life that will never mention the envisaged. What has happened is that there has been as I said a stampede for people to pick the low-hanging fruit. And that is what has dived in the development of software and information technology over the past decades and continues to do so with a number of consequences we will explore.
As you have probably noticed, fashions and tastes change quite noticeably over the years, most obviously perhaps in clothes, hairstyles, and popular music. The reputations of writers and artists are no different, though the alternating periods of being in and then out of fashion are longer. A poet may no longer appeal to a large reading public for a number of reasons, though we must keep in mind that poetry is a minority taste and its readership is relatively small in the first place. So, um, I want to look at the reputation of Alexander Pope. In his own lifetime, he was praised and idolized by both his friends and the literary world in general, though he did have some rather vicious enemies. Yet both friends and enemies seemed more concerned with either praising or attacking his character and morals than with properly assessing the poems themselves. The Romantics, of course, had little time for him. Indeed, the Romantic movement, in poetry at least, was an attempt to make a complete break with the strict formality and rationality of the Augustan poets, of whom Pope was the most notable example. They did not regard him as a real poet and complained of his ignorance of nature in the sense of mountains, trees, and flowers. The Victorians were even less responsive to Pope and this was probably the period when his reputation was at its lowest. In fact, it wasn't until the 1920s that Pope and the Augustan poets were revaluated, and given the attention and respect, they deserved.
Sample Answer:
The speaker talked about the study of Biology. Furthermore, he highlighted four panoramas, such as bacteria, a butterfly, a flower, and a dolphin in equal lines. Moreover, he discussed that biology tells us that all life on earth is exceptionally related. Finally, he suggested that cells have the same chemicals inside them, so chemical reactions that convert energy from one form to another are similar.
Sample Answer:
The speaker talked about the notion of pragmatism in developed countries. Firstly, the speaker mentioned that the democracies have succeeded in tempering the market economy. Furthermore, the speaker explained that in the 19th and 18th centuries, the industrial revolution had a very negative effect on the working class people. Lastly, the speaker mentioned that due to the 20th-century revolution, the damage was reversed and helped the market economy.
Sample Answer:
The speaker talked about sound receptors in the ear which translate vibrational energy to the ears. Furthermore, the speaker mentioned that this translated into a vibration into the fluid in your ears which converts into an electrical motion. Lastly, the speaker suggested that someone from MIT wants to find receptors that are remarkable.
Sample Answer:
The speaker talked about the history of software. Furthermore, he said that the IT industry is just 67 years old and the birth of new technology and discipline is a remarkable thing. Moreover, he discussed that the rapid fall of the cost of computing and communications has made it feasible for information technology that was never originally envisaged. Finally, he suggested that we will explore a huge development in information technology.
Sample Answer:
The speaker talked about the taste changes over the years. He mentioned that the reputations of writers and artists are no different than being in and then out of fashion. Furthermore, he exemplified that the Pope was praised and idolized by the literary world for the Romantics in his poetry. Finally, he concluded that Victorians did not regard him as a poet and were even less responsive to him.
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