PTE Re-order Paragraphs Practice

Strengthen logical reasoning and coherence with Re-order Paragraphs Practice by arranging sentences in the correct sequence.


Re-Order Paragraph

The text boxes in the left panel have been placed in random order. Restore the original order by dragging the text boxes from the left panel to the right panel.


  • 1 Separate from actual performance- what he or she does while producing or comprehending language. In other words, competence is put to use through performance.
  • 2 In actual driving, however, the driver has to relate the Code to a continuous flow of changing circumstances, and may even break it from time to time.
  • 3 An analogy can be made to the Highway Code for driving. Drivers know the Code and have indeed been tested on it to obtain a driving license.
  • 4 Knowing the Highway Code is not the same as driving.
  • 5 In language learning, there is a distinction between competence and performance. Competence is a state of the speakers mind. What does he or she know?



    • 1 The data to be reported here come from a longitudinal study of the untutored acquisition of English as a second language by a five-year-old Japanese girl whom we shall call Uguisu, nightingale in Japanese.
    • 2 Her family came to the United States for a period of two years while her father was a visiting scholar at Harvard, and they took residence in North Cambridge, a working-class neighbourhood.
    • 3 The children in that neighbourhood were her primary source of language input.
    • 4 Uguisu also attended public kindergarten for two hours every day, and later elementary school, but with no tutoring in English syntax.



      • 1 For market-makers offering two-way quotes in the international markets, open positions are far more common.
      • 2 Exchange control does not altogether prohibit Indian banks from keeping open positions during the course of a day. Thus, depending on the policy of a bank, dealers may be allowed to take intra-day positions in order to make a profit.
      • 3 Indeed, unless they are willing to take open positions, they will cease to be market-makers. Large overbought or oversold positions are often deliberately built up in the hope of profiting from price movements.
      • 4 For instance, a dealer expecting the dollar to weaken during the day might deliberately create, through customer transactions and transactions in the inter-bank market, an oversold position in the hope of squaring it later during a day at a profit, should his expectation about the dollar weakening materialize.



        • 1 The intention was to record as much music as possible as quickly as possible before encroaching influences like radio and cinema began transforming the region’s distinctive culture.
        • 2 But the Brazilian mission’s collection ended up languishing in vaults here.
        • 3 Early in 1938, Mario de Andrade, the municipal secretary of the culture here, dispatched a four-member Folklore Research Mission to the northeastern hinterlands of Brazil on a similar mission.
        • 4 They recorded whoever and whatever seemed to be interesting: piano carriers, cowboys, beggars, voodoo priests, quarry workers, fishermen, dance troupes, and even children at play.



          • 1 During the school year, we had the benefit of being both unaccountable and omnipotent.
          • 2 So in approaching this impending summer period, what lingered in the back of our minds was a collectively felt, unspeakable thought: Were we really up to the challenge?
          • 3 Insulated from the consequences of such decisions, and privy to all critical information about the case, we were able to solve complex business problems with relative ease.
          • 4 The information would be more nebulous and the outcomes of our decisions would be unpredictable.
          • 5 We knew that once we began our internships, this would no longer be the case.
          • 6 We could engage in impassioned debates about how as chief executive of a certain company we would have done this, or if we had been the banker on that deal we would have structured it like that.


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