PTE Re-tell Lecture Practice
Enhance your comprehension and speaking abilities through Re-tell Lecture practice by summarizing spoken content effectively.
Enhance your comprehension and speaking abilities through Re-tell Lecture practice by summarizing spoken content effectively.
You will hear a lecture. After listening to the lecture, in 10 seconds, please speak into a microphone and re-tell what you have just heard from the lecture in your own words. You will have 40 seconds to give the response.
Speaker Type: N/A
The first thing I want to argue is that former civilization is running into pretty profound crisis and its relationship to the rest of nature which we do and what we have depended on for survival and for flourishing and this is the most widely and well-recognized relation to climate change CO 2 emissions greenhouse gas emissions but I want to argue the certain dangers in the way that has been presented as the central question that we have to address because it's in a lock with a number of other crisis is that is most notably as the crisis in the access to freshwater crisis in access to food biodiversity loss on a huge scale and associated problems of human and quality and not just in the common world but actually the kinds of environmental resources and pleasures that I can enjoy salt all those together have to be looked at as interconnected set of really deep profound crisis.
Terminate human behavior is affected by internal and external factors at the end of the lecture the speaker mentioned that psychologists are interested in an inning in explaining human behavior. Determinant is influenced by 2 factors the personal factors which are internal and the environmental factors which are external the personal factors include people's beliefs on certain things and their individual thinking about it well the environmental factors including temperature or pressure and the others thinking about them, in conclusion, one is determinant are affected by both himself and the environment.
He says innovation equals invention. Let me just stop here innovation equals invention often people mistake these 2 things for the same thing. Innovation equals invention they are not innovation is something that generates value for the world it makes something faster better cheaper to give someone some great satisfaction in invention is an idea a technology a patent. In and of itself it does not generate value. So these 2 are not the same thing and sometimes you see them interchange from that's not correct so innovation equals invention times commercialize ation. So when we look at this equation of innovation something of value it requires a new idea and then it requires someone or some organization that is going to commercialize that idea and to make it value to the world.
I'm a dietitian and I working clinical weightless recent accurately estimating portion size is critical in research real-world settings for example if you're trying to what to write and you're out to dinner and you're presented with a bowl of fate there's no really good way to actually estimate how much you're eating unless you get a with some scale that a few bags we wanted to find a more objective way for people to quantify what the 80 when out and about I came out with more hands-on approach to the people to measure the dimensions of the food using the weight that they think is and remember back to prime is the less weeds the geometric volume formulas to estimate the weight of the food chain how this works I've ordered a pizza lasagna and that's my books a glass of wine and that's my soon enough and a feeling pretty healthy so order some watermelon for dessert and that's my which. So this is I 97. 55. I 4 think is. In the future I see this message being corporate into smartphone applications safely think what scene along with the hot new white and they have to do all the calculations for you and then you've got a more accurate way to estimate the portion size.
So what do we mean by will be 8. Health happiness a sense of achievement and contentment. A state of mind and body where people can thrive. Well, being is not something that is purely limited to people who are facing extraordinary challenges in the lifestyle health, or personal circumstances everybody here has a level of well being. Music so often forms and insurers have popped up all well-being management. Music to pick us up. Music calms down. Music to heal us ours. All right at 3 research is to move from this level of intuitive application music through to inform to use in our communities to take the next step in the understanding of the power of music in human life. Music already works for us on so many levels whether it's soothing and teaching our infants. Bring people and communities together adding spirit to all work and personal endeavors but there is no reason to stop here.