PTE Write Email Practice

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Write an Email

Read a description of a situation. Then write an e-mail about the situation. You will have nine minutes. You should aim to write at least 100 words. Write using complete sentences.

Time 09:00 #1445 Introverts

You're planning a business trip and must email your arrangements for the manager's approval. Write an email.
-   Communicate everything to your manager, including itineraries and other relevant information.
-   Include clarity and completeness of your travel itinerary.
-   Convey professionalism to reassure that the business trip is necessary.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, you’re a student who needs to email your professor to request an extension on an assignment.
-         Draft an email to request an extension respectfully.
-        Include details to communicate the nature of circumstances and their impact.
-     Convey sincerity and assure the professor about the optimal utilization of extension.

A client has expressed interest in your company's services and requested a further meeting to discuss their needs. Write an email.
-         Draft an email to confirm a meeting with a potential client.
-         What essential information would you include to clarify the meeting details?
-         How would you express interest in discussing their needs and exploring potential collaboration opportunities?

Your supervisor has requested a progress report on the current project. Compose an email outlining the current status of the project.
-      Draft an email to communicate about the current status of a project.
-      Provide specific information for a comprehensive overview of the project's status.
-      Ensure clarity by addressing their concerns regarding the project's progress and future direction.

You are a book club member, and it's your turn to choose the next book for the group to read and discuss. Write an email to the other members presenting your book recommendation
-      Draft an email of your book recommendation.
-      Include key elements such as its title, author, genre, synopsis, and relevant themes or topics.
-      How would you convey enthusiasm to inspire interest?

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